Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

New Look for Psychotic Elephants

The last cover for Memoirs of a Psychotic Painting Elephant did not give the impression of anything psychedelic or elephanty. 

To celebrate the beginning of this year's Winter Frost Seasonal Reads Program, Undawnted updated the long form poem's image. 

I kept the theme going with different colored page headings... in neon inspired tones. 

If you are going to be creative and have fun, you might as well go for it!

I hope you have fun with this poem as much as I did writing it. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Rain Update

Updated cover art and a page all by itself. The Rain should have a great time attracting poetry fans. 

The Rain: Monsoon in the Desert is a long tale in lyric form about the monsoon, storms, desert creatures, and a lone human looking out for Mother Earth's little lives. 

This poem is epic. 

Read more about The Rain here

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Whispers in the Wind

The poetry anthology, Whispers in the Wind, debuted on Lulu on February 9, 2017.

Two of my poems are in the publication: Fleur and Inferno.

The editor summarizes the book as:  
When poets put pen to paper something magical happens. They create vivid paintings with their words that are breathtakingly beautiful, memorable, emotionally moving, and timeless. And it is even more so when nature comes into play with its magnificent landscapes and scenic views, rich tapestry of life, never-ending surprises, and inspirational wonder that never ceases to amaze. Explore the grandeur of nature and all it has to offer with Whispers in the Wind, a wonderful collection of nature poems penned by poets from around the world.
Buy your copy today!

Thank you!

Have a great and wonderful read.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Another Poetry Submission Accepted

An untitled three line poem has been accepted for print publication.

As soon as the poem has been added to the online magazine, I will be sure to post the link here! 

Another exciting conclusion to a burgeoning writing career. I hope everyone who creates submits their art, poetry, and writing to sites. There is nothing more inspirational as seeing your own work out in the world. 

If you do not get published, that is okay. That means more studying, editing, and crafting are needed. One day all that hard work will pay off. So keep trying! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Voices of the World on Kindle

Ebook poetry lovers rejoice! 

Voices of the World - A Poetry Anthology is now available in ebook format on Amazon
Voices of the World is a poetry anthology that lets poets from all over the world shine and be heard. While being different, these poets are also the same as they share an immense passion for poetry, baring their souls with every creation. With their own unique voices and writing styles, each poet brings something different to Voices of the World, which makes for a unique collection of poetry that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers everywhere.
So visit Amazon and pick up your Kindle version today!

DL Mullan was accepted into the anthology and two of her works: Broken and Pretend are published with many other poets.

Thank you for supporting creative writing and artistic expression!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Working on Dark Poetry Chapbook

Halloween is less than five months away.

Good thing, I began putting together a dark poetry chapbook then... This ebook will publish some fan favorites as well as new poetry that our readers have not seen yet.

This chapbook is called The Descent. Here's our workup on the Chapbooks page in the Poetry section of Undawnted:
This chapbook houses "a darker breed of poetry." Just in time for Halloween! Fan favorites like The Collection, Death Replies to Emily Dickinson, and Breathe will make their presence known. Plus new poetry that has yet to be seen by the general public.
So get out your Ouija boards; it's time to divinate great poetry!

We cannot wait for the September 16th debut! 


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Emerges...

All the times we scoff at the ritual of Groundhog Day, and this year the little bugger was right.

Spring emerged early here in the Sonora Desert. Trees and wild flowers are in bloom. The temperatures have been warm during the afternoons and cool in the early morning hours.  Just perfect. 

Birds are singing and nesting. Bugs are zooming around the yards. The desert is alive. 

And, so are people's allergies. Mornings are not complete without a series of sneezes. Achoo! 

I wish these picturesque moments could last. Cloudless, blue skies, cool gentle breezes, and a warm sun to make everything grow. All the ingredients to inspire a poem or two.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Break The Cycle Poetry Credits

Just received word that two original poems were accepted for publication.

The poems submitted for consideration were as follows:
Story of My Life
A Little Time (Saving Me)

The publication is called: Break The Cycle Volume 3, and is due out April 2016.  

We are so excited to apart of this series!  Thank you!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Photo Album

I see the days pass by me
as a group of still photos
being flipped through the air

one image leads into another
and another and another
until there are no more images
to be seen in the passage of time

that would be the difference
between now and then

with all the photos strewn
about the floor in no particular order
i wonder what day it is, was

was it a Tuesday? Friday?
does it matter at all?

time can capture our fondest memories
and our darkest moments untli we reach
a time where there are no more memories
that can be held in the palm of our hands

except for another's hand who has been there
taking the photos that chronicled our lives.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Halloween Festivities

Autumn is here and the first of the holidays besides the equinox is Halloween. 

So in celebration of the spooky, Undawnted will be publishing some new and old favorites in compliment to the season. 

Who can resist the pull of the unknown, macabre, and dark? 

Have a great and spooky day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chronic Illness and the Apathetic Sect

When people do not understand chronic, disabling illnesses, they tend to say the stupidest phrases.

"If you take a shower and exercise, you'll feel better."

That sentence is one that was thrown at me several times. If you have chronic fatigue, neither one of those suggestions are going to work very well, now are they?  So my family forced me to exercise by cooking my own food and doing chores. God forbid I was disabled by a terrible illness. I should get up and do for the household since I no longer could bring in a wage. 

That is the most irresponsible, immature attitude ever. 

I do not know how people justify this type of behavior on people who are ill. I have lived through some horrific experiences that I will not soon forget. How can I when the nightmares wake me? 

People believe that if you do not strike a person that no abuse has been committed.  That is not true. Some people believe what you have endured, you should just get over it. Stop throwing yourself a pity party. 

Yet, these same people will be upset if someone does them wrong. In cases like mine, my life was threatened and placed in danger on a continual basis. It is quite different then a perceived slight.

I may never be well and never "get over" my traumatic experiences with apathetic caregivers, but the drive to find well being will always be in my mind. For the best revenge is living well. I still have years to go before I reach that apex, but I have hope and determination to reach that goal.

What I like to do to diffuse the negative impacts of the past is to help others, educate others about how not to behave toward the chronically ill. I also like to take those emotions and dedicate them to writing, not the pity party people would like to foment.

After a nightmare or situation that manifests those terrible memories, I like to create digital art, write the back story to some evil foe, or write an emotive and engaging poem. 

Just because I have been abused and left for dead does not mean I have to carry the burden. Yes, I have low times and I do not trust others as I once did, but I do not run around with a pity party sign either. As a human, I have to touch the world a few times a month for food and supplies. I have had to learn to deal with others as compatriots and not combatants. 

I may have survived the battles, but does anyone truly win the war? 

Be kind to those people with a disability or illness if you understand or not. Sometimes the best support you can give someone is being present of mind and body. Would it harm you to have a board game night with your home bound neighbor? 

Have a wonderful but thoughtful night.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Holiday Reminder

It’s the holidays again
and you are feeling blue
There are no presents
There is no tree
There is nothing around for you
The bitterness is not from the cold outside
but from your endless empty heart
Hopelessness has taken hold inside
Instead of sitting there wishing
for objects that do not matter
Be thankful for what you do have
for it is probably more than most
Look around and invite friends over
and raise such a clatter!
Drink with a merry toast to all
You do not have to have what is material
or need to feel discontent
As long as love and good cheer
is in everything you do everyday
So open your heart with happiness
and brighten the holidays with a smile
All you need is there for the taking
It is real and alive and waiting
but only if you believe in the goodwill
of all the inhabitants of the Earth
It’s not about religion
It’s not about money
It is the idea that we are more
than a shell of flesh and blood
we are so below as above
spirits with an abundance of love
so throw off the yoke of taking
and begin to receive what is yours
The holidays are not about things
It’s about if you care more for others
than what can be purchased at the stores.


 Publication Credit: Villa de Paz Gazette. December 24, 2014.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Reading Room

On the left, the menu section has a new item: The Reading Room.

Instead of traipsing all over the blog/website for poetry and writing samples, there is a place where these creations will be listed and linked to. The area is empty but not for long. I try and write something every day. 

Well I better get back to placing more content on Undawnted. While you are perusing, check out my new Facebook and Authorsden pages!

Have a great and wonderful day!

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