Showing posts with label release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label release. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Moving Away from Lulu and Other Fee-Based Platforms

I have been trying to publish my chapbooks and other stories, but fee based platforms have gotten their rules and polices in the way.

That is quite disconcerting. All I want to do is publish my poetry and novels. I didn't believe such actions warranted an IRS form and forced revenue edict. I am disabled. I am not going to make enough to pay taxes on for years.

I am not in the biz to make a landslide. I love to entertain. That's what I do in the creative writing field. I am too ill for book tours or anything else. It's to keep my mind busy while I am stuck most days in bed (22+ hours, most of that is zzzz).

I have loads of experience in various fields as well as a Masters degree in Teaching and Learning with Technology. My website is my stage and my classroom. Anyone who ventures here will receive a first rate creative writing, literature, mythology, and arts education.

So I find the demands of corporations and the IRS just a little comical to say the least. I will have to find a new way of communicating myself to my audience.

I'm taking suggestions.

Habitue did drop today. If you would like a copy, then let me know via my social media page on Facebook and Twitter where this article will be posted. It's a short chapbook with a handful of poems about habit forming behaviors.

Maybe make a donation of a few bucks to help me with my technology expenses? I do everything from scratch these days. So every penny is appreciated. I take Paypal. Maybe that will work...

See, I am still working out the rough patches. 



Being a writer should not take a corporate intervention or demands of the IRS, I should be allowed to be the adult I am. I file my taxes as appropriate. I can do that with a simple printout of what I made between two dates as already available via the Lulu software in my account settings.

I think it's time to rethink the writing business because it's no business of anyone's except my own.

If the IRS disagrees, then maybe it is time to abolish the IRS.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Artwork for the Hode Series Updated

The three book series for the new Robin Hood modern retelling called Hode has had its cover art updated. The bow is now pulled back into a firing position instead of remaining static.

Thank you, high school physical education class for a section on archery. The tactile information helped write scenes in this series. So support kinetic learning in your school system.

Hode: The Legend Lives Again is the first book in the series and will be out March 31st, 2018. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

In the Name of Blood Released


In the Name of Blood, the vampire crime-drama has been published by Sonoran Dawn Studios

This ebook pdf will be free until the last minute of Halloween. So be sure to grab your copy before the free trial fortnight is up. 

I am so excited to finally have one of my stories published in book form. The print version will be available this coming summer with the second installment of the book due out in October of 2017. 

Thank you to everyone who has made my dreams possible!

Have a great and wonderful day. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe Published

Sonoran Dawn Studios has published another Undawnted creation! 

Sweet and Sour Chicken with Savory Brown Rice is now available for download on the Author Spotlight, Nonfiction, for Sonoran Dawn on Lulu. 

Check it out and give a positive review! 

Thank you and have a great and wonderful day! 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Two Submissions for Poetry Book

As Undawnted moves toward more publishing credits for this year, Story of My Life and A Little Time (Saving Me) were submitted for publication.

This book of poetry and short stories focuses on recovery from childhood abuse. It is supposed to be released in April of this year. I cannot wait to hear if my poems are accepted.

That would make four published poems for this year and we are not even to spring yet. 

Great news as Undawnted seeks more opportunities to expand our horizons!

Have a great and wonderful day!

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