Monday, December 21, 2015

Countdown to Yule

The UK's Telegraph has a countdown application and Winter Solstice is about 2 hours away.

Not everyone in the world celebrates Christmas. There are a number of different celebrations during this time of year. One of which is Yule.

Yule harkens back to Odin and Norse mythology. It is a time to butcher livestock for their meat, the mead/ale was ready in their casks, and the freezing weather was the death cycle of nature. 

The Winter Solstice became a celebration of life, and the upcoming renewal of spring. 

So this night of the longest darkness and shortest light, be thankful that tomorrow begins the cycle of renewal. 

For the Sonoran Desert: 
9h 55m
Tomorrow will be 0m0s shorter.

Enjoy the legends, the history, and the holiday spirit.

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