Showing posts with label zombie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zombie. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

On My Poetry Forum for Review: Zombie

The dark emotions of the underworld coat the rhymes of the poem: Zombie.

This poem is ripe with imagery and disdain. Perfect fit for the upcoming chapbook called: Habitué.
If you like the deep and dark corners, as well as the denizens who lurk there, then you will enjoy this poem.

This poem is being moved to Undawnted's YouTube Channel.
Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Humans, We're Not so Human After All

So, you think you are human: Homo sapien sapien. 

You may not be so human after all. In the article: New Ancient “Mystery Human” Species Identified Shakes Up The Theory Of Evolution, humans discover that our DNA is not so human, but a collection of interbreeding species from long ago. 

Just face it: your ancestors were sluts. 
“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a Lord of the Rings type world – that there were many hominid populations.” - (1) Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.
According to DNA samples and cave excavations, more than one type of hominids exists along with our ancestral links. 

What information can be gleaned for today's writers?  Even humans are crossbreeds from different times and peoples. With science fiction, alien races would have the same impurities. In horror, zombies, vampires, and werewolves could harbor from a different sect of the human, or inhuman ancestry. What combinations could be exploited to develop new horrors and aliens for readers.

The Lord of the Rings could be reality. 

What can a writer, artist do to show how these influences have changed the way we look at ourselves in genres that reflect our own natures back onto us?

Source: Collective Evolution

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