Mini-Interview with Heather Hummingbird
[Interview with Heather Hummingbird]
Forgive me if I don’t perch for very long. You see hummingbirds have lots of energy, so if I zip away suddenly, don’t worry. I’ll be right back. I’ll just be working up energy that is building up, like this .Zwippp.
Were you afraid to speak to an eagle?
Well, no. I’d seen Ethan around the forest. He’s a big bird, but he’s a fledgling. I might even be older than him, so I wasn’t scared of him. Zwiiiipp.
Ziiiiiing. I couldn’t help but notice his curious behavior and when I realized I could help him, I did.
How did it feel to make a friend?
Well, I was glad to have him as a friend that autumn, when I couldn’t fly south on my own. That’s for sure.
How did it feel when you had to part with your new friend?
The trip south was a long one, and I felt really close to Ethan by the time we arrived. I knew he had to go back to the forest he knew, but it was sad watching him go. But I didn’t let it keep me down because I knew I’d see him again the next spring, and I did. Zwiiip.
Thanks for having me here today, but I need to go find some flowers to recharge. You’d be amazed by how much nectar is required to keep up this pace. Bye. Zwiiiiip Zwing.
My Review
My Backyard Friends, Heather Hummingbird edition, is a cute read for adults and children alike. Heather goes on her own adventure as she zips around the landscape. She meets other animals to be her friends.
Beautiful and insightful, this book guides readers on a path toward wisdom only found with a wildness full of backyard friends.
Be sure to Pre-Order your copy below.
Fun Facts About Hummingbirds
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly forward, backward, sideways and upside-down. They are also the only birds that can hover in mid-air.
- They have the highest metabolism of any bird species. They consume twice their weight each day.
- Hummingbirds can beat their wings 70 times per second, and 200 times per second when diving. The males do elaborate aerial acrobats during the mating seasons to attract the females, traveling high up into the air and looping around to dive back down toward the ground, making a high-pitched whistling.
- Some species of hummingbirds migrate up to 2,000 miles twice a year.
- Their hearts can beat up to 1,260 times per minute.
- Hummingbirds migrate great distances from their summer to winter homes and back, up to 3000 miles each trip, 6000 miles per year.
- Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world, averaging 8.5 cm long and weigh between 2.5–20 grams.
- Hummingbirds have forked tongues and have tiny hairs on the tips of their tongues to help lap up nectar.
- “On most hummingbirds, the coloring of the feathers does not come from pigmentation, but instead from prism-like cells within the top layer of feathers.
- The colors you see depend on the angle of the light when it hits the feathers.
- When hummingbird feathers reflect light, which make the gorget (throat patch) look like it’s glittering from certain angles, but at other angles will make the feathers look dull.” (Southwest Audobon. “Fun Facts About Hummingbirds”.
- When they are low on energy and no food source is available, hummingbirds go into a torpor state to conserve their reserves.
Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend (Ages 3-5):
Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans (Ages 3-5):
Charlie Chickadee Gets a New Home (Ages 6-8):
Gilded Glass: Twisted Myths & Shattered Fairy Tales editorial team from Western State Colorado University and WordFire Press and she compiled and edited Weird Tales: The Best of the Early Years 1926-27, under Jonathan Maberry.
Kaye Lynne Booth is a freelance writer, editor, multi-genre author and independent publisher. She holds dual MFA in Creative Writing – Genre Fiction and Screenwriting, and an M.A. in Publishing. To earn her publishing degree, she worked under the mentoring of International Bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson on theRobbie also has two novels and a collection of short stories published under the name of Roberta Eaton Cheadle and has horror, paranormal, and fantasy short stories featured in several anthologies under this name.
Find out more about Robbie Cheadle on her blog here:
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