Undawnted had a wonderful time this morning at the Celtic Green Book Event for April 2, 2022.
We will see you all at the next one set for July 2022.
Have a great and wonderful day!
Undawnted had a wonderful time this morning at the Celtic Green Book Event for April 2, 2022.
We will see you all at the next one set for July 2022.
Have a great and wonderful day!
If you were not able to attend, don't worry. Sonoran Dawn keeps each event and party up in perpetuity. So you can visit and revisit old friends.
Undawnted will be seen next at Sonoran Dawn Studio's New Year's Eve Party on December 31st, 2021. The event will be posted soon, watch for the link.
Until then, support our publisher by making a purchase. If you would like event specific merchandise, then please visit the Sonoran Dawn Collection of Parties and Book Events on Zazzle.
Memorabilia from the Autumn Wonders Book Event will be posted later this week.
We hope you join us for the interactive party full of movies, music, and mayhem. Well, if you count sipping sparkling cider mayhem. We might get rambunctious.
Be there or be square!
I am having so much fun!
It is fun.
I am also outlining some counterintelligence novels. Often in a universe we see only the effects of the antagonist, I want to get to know them. Should we feel empathy for the bad guys? Or, pity?
My characters have already been showing me and talking to me in a creative sense, not a "need medication" sense. I believe there are some good scenes in the works. I am brainstorming plot lines and other scenarios as I go along.
Likewise, I have to refocus my efforts. I have been doing chores to get ready for winter. Energy efficient curtains for the back door, shopping for the house, and just regular stuff that needs to be done. That means I have to budget time for writing. I do need to sit down and make some time to write more.
And, do you like the book cover designs? Some will be revised and polished down the line, but you get the idea.
I love being artfully creative. You should see my Tshirts!
Anyway, I am planning out my strategy. Now, if I could get help with my chores!
A writer's life. I wouldn't change it for the world.
Have a great and wonderful day.