My Supernatural Superhero Series, the Legacy Universe, has science fiction's newest classic in the making: The Reality Hackers, and the short story version is available in Visions anthology.
When a group of scientists corrupts reality and creates a consciousness paradox, one man, Justin Chisum, decides to stand against his former research partner, Bernard Chester, and correct the problem.
must find and convince his other partner, Emma Gillespie that her world
is inverted as well as his and hopes that she will help him defeat
Bernard's planned ascension, which left unchallenged will create a
destructive quantum singularity.
Will Justin make it in time to save the universe from certain annihilation? Or, will his plan fail because he believes what Bernard's reality creates for him: a fairy tale illusion of reality?
Who is talking, The Reality Hackers?
The Showers of Blessings site has an article up with more details. Please leave a comment!
Where is The Reality Hackers?
Visions anthology published the short story version of The Reality Hackers on October 18, 2022.
Undawnted, through Sonoran Dawn Studios, will be publishing an expanded version as part of our Spring Dreams Seasonal Reads program.
Don't miss A Novelist Idea Newsletter's Believe in Magic Popup Party on October 20th, see our Substack for more information.
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