Remakes, reboots... re my asteroids.
From my understanding this reboot will be in movie form and not about Babylon 5 the station. It will be about something else. Someone in the comments section yelled: Psi War! Since JMS likes to shine the light on history and politics, I think we are going to be in for one hell of a ride.
Or, I will be doing a lot of fanfiction writing.
If you like Babylon 5 and fanfiction, I have a neat story for you. It is called Circles We Find Ourselves In. Take a read. You won't be disappointed.
Until then... hey, JMS: why not do a reboot of VR.5? Fox left that unended and unsatisfying.
And, one word of advice on the B5 reboot: leave us a happy ending this time... after Marcus Cole died, I pretty much lost interest in the coming fifth season. So remember to throw the audience a bone, not all love in unrequited.
Thank you! and have a great day.
Source: Blastr