Showing posts with label curtain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curtain. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ghost in the Hallway

I have had my fair share of haunting experiences in my life.

I have been on ghost/historical tours. I have ventured out and did my own ghost investigations. I have channeled and done mediumship. I have read for others. I have done tarot and rune readings. I work with crystals.

The universe is a concerted mirage of vibrations. When we leave our bodies to the next plane of existence, we too become vibrations. So the idea of another vibration in my house is not daunting to me. 

I am rather curious, but firm. I do stand my ground.

I was in my bathroom brushing my hair when a movement caught my attention. I turned and saw a human form shadow on my hall wall across from me. There was no way I was making that shadow. I observed it rock back and forth then disappear. The shadow person was on the other side of the wall next to me and their consistency was manifesting a shadow across from me.

I knew it was not my imagination when my Bombay cat, Riley, ran into the bathroom and hid under the shower curtain. She came from that room and was scared out of her mind. She only runs and hides like that during thunderstorms.

So I said in a loud voice: "Only Love and Light are allowed in this house." I spewed some more stuff to let beings know, my house is a safe house for light workers and light beings. Evil, exit, stage left. 

I guess I have another outline for a scene or short story. Plus now I have to smudge!

What is your paranormal experience?

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mysteries of the Unknown

Isn't it great when you don't know what happened to one of your blog posts? I guess the universe did not like my dance analogy. Figures.

I'm sure I will rewrite it again someday but as for today, I would like to talk about personal honor.

I found a curtain on ebay I wanted to buy but the bidding time had ended. I messaged the seller. I got a reply that for $5 the curtain was mine. I was so excited. Living on a tight budget and a curtain that would finish my living room window was such good luck! 

I responded saying send an invoice my way... then silence. I messaged again and the reply from the seller was an abrupt: the item is no longer for sale. Say, what?

Thank you for reneging on your offer. I did not make an offer to the seller; I happily accepted an offer given to me. To pull an offer without reason sounds fishy. I'm sure she got a better offer and sold the curtain at a higher price, but that is why I am talking of personal honor. 

If I had made the same deal, I would have told the next offer: sorry, it's sold. I would not have reneged on my original offer in order to get even ten times more in return. I have some insight into the mysterious of the universe: the unknown consciousness of the fabric of time and space is like Santa. It knows when you have been naughty or nice. 

That little place inside that nags at you when you've done something wrong... that's what is going to get you in the end. Even if you have learned to shut that voice out and become hardened to the world, well, the universe still hears it even if you do not.

Good luck, bad luck... how many people have you screwed over? Hmm?

What I am talking about is not religion. I'm talking about your mind, consciousness, soul, and spirit. 

If you want to change your life, have better luck, then you have to learn to not only treat others with honor but yourself as well. So pump up the volume. Listen to that little voice inside your heart that speaks to you.

You'll be amazed at what it says and how life can be good again once you open yourself up to the mysteries of the unknown. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

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