Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

It is All in the Pudding

Funny thing when online shopping sometimes what you want is out of stock.

My favorite organic pudding mix was one of those items that went missing. I finally found it somewhere else and ordered a slew! Twenty dollars was the line for free shipping and I crossed it. 

So after nine months of no type of pudding for desert, I finally will have some at the ready. 

The End. 

Don't you wish all stories were that easy to write and the characters so easy to appease? I know I will be pondering that as I write and edit my next releases. In between eating bites of my chocolate pudding! Recipe later! 

Have a great and wonderful day!  

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day After Madness Speaks Volumes about Society

'Twas the Day After everyone's holiday of gift giving and filled bellies, and now what?


Hasn't everyone had enough already? Apparently not and that says volumes about our society. No moral or ethical wherewithal. Shop 'til you drop. Don't be engaged with reality. Just spend, spend, spend. 

What happened to the American Society of Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Have we really not taught our current younger generations about decency or respect? Black Friday, you say? Okay, never mind.

If Generation X cannot walk away from the sin of overspending, then how can their children learn the value of anything? Thanks to cheap foreign labor and corporate greed to give us less for more, we know the cost of things, but not the value.

For instance: if you work for $20 an hour, a $5 toy is 15 minutes worth of your time at work. Mowing someone's lawn for $20, which takes you two hours to do right... that toy now costs you 30 minutes of your sweat. Cost versus Value. Why do we not teach this concept anymore?

It appears we have allowed ourselves to be duped by cheap materialism. We have hoarders. We have people glued to their cellular phones. We have no one paying attention.

So we have Black Fridays. People harming others for trinkets. We have young people who do not take responsibility for their actions. These examples are crimes against the soul.

If our society does not begin to teach value of people, time, labor, paychecks, and things, then we are doomed to be hamsters on the retail shopping wheel for life.

And, condemn future generations with us.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Night Shift

Nights are a wonderous time.

The moon is almost full. So bright is the rays that I do not need any electric lights outside. I do anyway for safety's sake but it is really bright out there. 

I have begun a list for things I must do to get ready for winter. Weatherize the pipes. Get kitty beds all set up. Indoor rugs where they are needed. A few more curtains. There, done.

Now I have to scour my usual online haunts to do a budget of what I'll need and how much it's going to cost me. Joy. 

At least it's something to do and an accomplishment to look forward to.

Now back to the Night Shift. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

TGI... what? It Can't Be Friday Already

This week has whizzed by.

I went to the grocery store, i've done my online shopping.  I did go into one store extra and got sick. There must be mold damage in that store. Reactions, breathing issues, and sinus bleeding all par for the course with sick building syndrome caused by water damage and mold. 

Isn't that great? My super power is a bloody nose! 

I have been thoroughly exhausted.  I have slept and taken naps all week long. So, no, no writing has been accomplished in the realm of fiction. Nonfiction aka journalism, writing has been sparse but doable. 

So have fun. I'll write more later. I have to get out trash and then it's beddy by time for me! 

It's nice to cook and clean when it's cooler in the nights and mornings.

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