Showing posts with label breathing issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breathing issues. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2014

TGI... what? It Can't Be Friday Already

This week has whizzed by.

I went to the grocery store, i've done my online shopping.  I did go into one store extra and got sick. There must be mold damage in that store. Reactions, breathing issues, and sinus bleeding all par for the course with sick building syndrome caused by water damage and mold. 

Isn't that great? My super power is a bloody nose! 

I have been thoroughly exhausted.  I have slept and taken naps all week long. So, no, no writing has been accomplished in the realm of fiction. Nonfiction aka journalism, writing has been sparse but doable. 

So have fun. I'll write more later. I have to get out trash and then it's beddy by time for me! 

It's nice to cook and clean when it's cooler in the nights and mornings.

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