December 21st is the customary day of celebration for Yule. It's supposed to be the shortest day of the year. With the long night, the land lays fallow waiting for the warmth of the spring to come.
Pagans have celebrated this day of death and rebirth for as long as humans have marked the cycles.
Other religions have taken the holiday and made it their own through political and religious might. So we have holiday after holiday during the winter season.
I enjoy celebrating today because it feels purer than other days. I am not brainwashed to believe in a birth I know did not happen until March or pressured into being like everyone else. I can be me and celebrate what I chose, when I chose to do it.
Yule for me is about saying good-bye to the old. I have a lot of old to say good-bye to too. This year I have become quite independent as a disabled American. I have my ups and downs, my bad days and my good days. Everyday I am grateful that I can be who I am without ridicule, pressure, or disrespect from others.
I am very ill. Nothing is really going to change that aspect of my life. There is only so many times your immune system can be collapsed, your liver compromised, your renal system infected, and your digestive system attacked to notice that your nervous system, heart, and lungs do not work as they should any longer.
Even though I am in bed more hours of the day than I am in motion, I still am grateful for every day that I am here. I have a lot to do! I am doing my art and writing my books.
I am doubly grateful to be the editor and staff writer for my community online newspaper: the
Villa de Paz Gazette. I only hope to continue writing great articles that impact the way people perceive reality.
I am also helping my community fight off a vulture capitalist that wants to destroy our golf course for a housing development. It's nice to be back in the saddle again, even if it's a kid's pony ride.
Yule like other holidays should bring out the best in you.
Be happy. Be grateful. Be open.
The universe is watching and waiting for you to open up to the possibilities that await. So take some time this busy holiday season and make a list. Check it twice. List all the things you are grateful for.
With joy and gratitude in your heart, nothing is impossible: including a miraculous recovery...