I have felt alone in this universe for a very long time. That makes a person feel older than s/he really is. I feel a ton of weight on my shoulders most of the time. A weight that too makes me feel old.
Crotchety. Crusty. Crumplily.
What's a girl going to do? Buy something meaningless to make her feel better for a moment in time? Our consumer driven society has not yielded us girls a moment of satisfaction. We keep looking outwardly for inward solutions to our needs.
So this weekend I found two souls who very much needed some help. One with a book cover and event. The other with just a book cover.
Luckily, these two souls were very gracious to my abrupt entrance into their lives and taking over like i do! Yet, Karma will have her way. These two were due for some good Karma and I was due to create some Random Acts of Kindness.
The feeling of helping someone else out and from the accomplishment is more than any currency can afford me. Not that a disabled person has any currency after the bills are paid, anyway. Still I feel better. I think those two souls feel better as well.
So Karma, it is nice every once and awhile that you are far from the bitch we all believe you to be. The funny thing is that WE can create all the good Karma for others and ourselves if we just take a moment to step outside our comfort zone and lend a helping hand to someone else without any asking for a reward.
Maybe someday, Karma, you will shine down on me with a little good luck.
And, we can all use a little of that in our lives. So the next time you feel down about something, go out and be a good person to someone else. The act will not only lift that person's spirits but yours as well.
A Random Act of Kindness is a prescription we should all take as much as possible.
Have a great and wonderful day!