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Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Should We Cite Creativity with Mental Illness Labels?

A friend posted an article on Facebook about Highly Creative people being ADHD.  

i am highly creative and could identify with the list of attributes creative people have: not finishing projects, procrastination as a tool,and so on. 

What irked me is that we have labeled a creative process as a Mental Illness.  ADHD has been used to place children on psychotropic drugs, dismiss people, and make creativity a problem instead of an asset. 

With my creative quirks, I have had to learn to plan and budget my time. What gets done, gets done. Play time has to wait until I am done with important chores. I am on and off blogging due to my health problems as well as daily life can sometimes interfere. 

My elderly cat has been ill so giving him medicine, probiotics, and hand feeding him has been the priority over almost everything else for the last two weeks. 

For those people on the high spectrum of the creative pendulum, if we are raised to be self aware and understand how to cope with spurts of creative energy, the lows, and daily life, then we can become a very intuitive, mature inventor of ideas, creations, and life. 

The only reason ADHD was defined was to control creative energy in the classroom and home instead of allowing that energy to positively transform life. Not everyone is created to sit and be still, watch TV, or play video games. 

Some of us are born to change the world, one idea, painting, poem, or story at a time.  

So the next time the authorities want to label something that is perfectly natural, just remember what they do NOT want labeled and call it safe. I rather know what is in my food so I can choose to avoid mad scientist tech corporation syndrome than to label a child or person simply because their process is different.

If we have become too rigid as a society to be effective unless highly creative people are medicated, then we are all in big, big trouble.

Danger, Will Robinson.

So the moral to the story is let kids be kids, within the realm of common sense. Label your food, not your children.

Isn't it our lives anyway? 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Vultures and Telemarketers


We all know them. We have had these people in our life but have you ever seen one? A  real, wild vulture? 

I have. 

I was able to cross this item off my bucket list before I had a chance to put it on. One day someone brought me a gift in his hands. Someone had discovered a baby vulture. I petted its head and then washed my hands for several minutes just in case. My close encounter with the carrion kind was over 10 years ago, but I still remember it. 

To pet a wild, carrion bird is awe inspiring. So fragile but so grand. Carrion birds are necessary to the ecosystem. To meet one is a very humbling experience. 

So earlier this week when I viewed six vultures gliding on the air toward their nesting trees a couple miles away by the river front, I remembered my personal introduction to a baby one. 

But there are other types of vultures. People vultures. With my illness and being disabled by it, I have had my fair share of vulture run-ins. Even now, I have to deal with a situation I should not have to because other people feel entitled to what is not theirs. Vultures.

As I slept in my bed one night, someone called at almost 3am. I did not bother to even pick up. After days of incessant ringing, I answered. The sad situation was it was a telemarketer. The Asian sounding woman on the other end was looking for a Josh. Really? Josh Gates, perhaps?

After I trashed her dreams of finding Josh, she made the travel opportunity available to me. Wait for it... I'm sorry, I am disabled and cannot travel. Let the guilt trip for calling my ass begin. Well, I doubt that company will be calling my unlisted, Do Not Call List number again. 


Have a great and vulture free day!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Positive Energy and Creation

I am new to the energy work realm relatively speaking to many others on this path. 

Even before I began to formally apply positive energy and thinking to situations, the universe was always there guiding me. Last year, I took in a pregnant 9 month old cat and eventually raised her babies. This year mother nature has decided I should host a mother hummingbird and her brood.

For a few weeks, the hummingbird sat on her eggs in the apex of my gazebo. Now she is feeding a hungry crew. In another few short weeks, the babies will leave the nest. 

All these happy beginnings surround me. 

Is the universe trying to tell me something? Well it's not motherhood and me that is for sure. That dream died with my second collapsed immune system (the black mold incident).  I cannot pass on this disease to anyone. It's not right.

I think the universe is telling me to do a do-over. Start again. Make my own happy beginning. 

It seems I am attracting in the animal world what I always wanted for myself: a home, caring family, positive support, and a safe environment in which to thrive. 

My only question is: what animal will I be hosting next year?


Have a great and wonderful day!

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