Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year's Eve

This day is a time for reflection and gratitude. 

2016 was a year of ups and downs. At first, the year seemed lost to the negative funk, but then turned around at the end of spring. 

Then the year ended with a mix of highs and lows.  

So today is about releasing the negative and accepting the positive into our lives. To do that, make a list of what you are thankful for.

I wanted to take this moment and thank all of my readers, customers, and fellow writers. Your support and encouragement has been warmly received. I only hope to aspire to greater heights to entertain and inform in this next coming year. 

Thank you. I appreciate every good vibration sent my way. I am grateful for the opportunity to write for you. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Another Day, Another Dollar

I wish I had a dollar!

Today was quiet. I had to stay inside because a neighbor had their weeds sprayed. I wish people would stop using pesticides. Those chemicals are toxic and not good for anything.

Remember if you can't ingest it, why are you using it?

There are far better, easier, safer, and cheaper ways to kill weeds and insects than industrial strength poisons. 

Beyond the ritual toxicity of life, I have been really uploading writing projects of mine this week. I hope I find more in my archives to post. It is always exciting to discover a piece of writing you had forgotten about. Plus I have hidden an Easter Egg on the site. That will be a place for little treasures for my readers.

You never know when a coupon code may just pop up there for something I am selling like a book, art piece, or a design of mine.

I'm just sneaky that way. 

This weekend I will be piling on more of my archives and maybe I'll find something to post on or Amazon.  It's not like I am hurting for words.

Have a safe weekend!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Imperfection is the New Perfection

Perfection, everyone seeks it. No one attains it. Not really.

I tried to be perfect once and almost caught that tiger's tail. I tried to be everything to everyone all the time. I would go home and sit with my computers emotionally exhausted. I would try once again to be an artist, poet, speaker, and writer that was perfect. 

Now that I can't remember what day it is and that I have been betrayed by practically everyone in my past, I don't care about perfect anymore. I am more into living in the moment. The here and now and happiness is better than any perfection I could ever have found. 

Why be something you are not? Peer pressure? Social psychology? 

Or, waste of time?

Trust me, it's a total waste. Why waste covering up the jewel of who you are on swines who can never appreciate it? Be a diamond in the rough that is shining yourself up for a better future. 

I'm glad I am not trying to be perfect anymore. Hell my illness won't allow it anyway. The best I could ever hope for is to be happy, healthy, and successful. 

If I was a perfection freak, I would be getting my kitties groomed instead of letting them play in the bathtub. What is the allure of an empty bathtub? I'll never know. 

As to the people from my past who have stuck by me learning and growing into the person I am today, and believe me, it wasn't pretty, I really appreciate and adore all of you.

Have a great and wonderful day!

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