Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Writing is Such Fun My Cats Help Me

That Steampunk idea really kicked my writing of Blood Oath, Blood War off.

I've written a good solid 15 pages of dialogue. The word count will really rise when I back fill and write all the descriptions. The plot too has expanded.

I am really excited about how the main character Riley Austen is changing from a simple gallery owner into a leader and romantic figure.

In my editing of the finished product, I hope I remain true to its humble beginnings and keep the action moving and the dialogue snappy.

All of which would go a lot faster if my calico cat would stop laying on my lap so i cannot type very well. She is quite the character, especially reaching over the keyboard to stretch and setting of F4 - F8 at times.

Nothing says mommy's little helper like having to reboot my computer.

Have a scary, autumn day!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Steampunk, Paranormal Romance, and the Age of Alternative History


That is a load of words to say isn't it? I had been reading up on how to write the genre because I have a half done historical novel waiting for a great plot twist. 

My novel is more like a Paranormal Romance slash Historical novel, but I wanted to update it. 

Low and behold, Steampunk incorporates the supernatural. I can do that.

It is an exciting way to revive an old story and it has opened my mind to possibilities. So much so that the new concept has broadened my understanding of  Blood Oath, Blood War. 

And, that's how creativity works. 

One creative epiphany leads to another. So Steampunk can revitalize a historical romance and set in motion more crime-drama in my vampire novel. 

That is why I love writing. You wake up with doubt and leave with hope. 

Have a great and wonderfully spooky day!

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