Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2021

Undawnted is Red Hot in December with Countdowns, Gifts, Parties, and Reviews

December ends autumn and begins winter. So, let's countdown to Yule and the New Year!

Undawnted has ongoing as well as new projects, movie nights, movie reviews, and a year-end review of goals.

On the Schedule for this month*:
  • Continue with Movie Night with the Novelist 
    • Yippie Kaiyay!
      • 12/4, No movie tonight; Event Booked: Autumn Wonders Book Event completed
      • 12/5, Die Hard completed
    •   Narnia!
      • 12/11, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe completed
      • 12/12, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian completed
    • Find Your Spirit ~
      • 12/18, Scrooged completed
      • 12/19, If You Believe completed
    • Be Your Own Hero ~
      • 12/24 Xmas Eve, Ernest Saves Christmas completed
      • 12/25 Xmas, Home Alone completed
    • Happy New Year!
      • 12/31, New Year's Eve, No movie tonight; Event Booked: Sonoran Dawn Party
  • Participate in a Book Tour completed
  • Author Interviews completed
  • Subscription for Newsletter/Mailing List completed
  • Add to Special Engagements/Writer's Workshops 
  • Book Event December 4th completed
  • Party December 31st in process
  • Finish Immortal Spellcaster for Editorial Review in process
  • Rework The Reality Hackers in process
  • Continue building the Legacy Universe 
  • Add/Remove Poems up for Review
    • Added: Eggnog Dreams  
    • Removed as of 12/31:
      • Moon over Aphrodite
      • 9.12.01
      • Upon Reading Edgar Allan Poe
      • Step on All of Us
      • You
      • Desert Mesquite
      • Vanished  
      • Eggnog Dreams
  • Year-end Review and Revision of Goals in process

See also: Undawnted's Calendar

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Can you feel the sizzle! 

Have a great and wintry day!


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