Summer is about energy and movement. We are energized by the sun's power, heat, and majesty- our mere mortal's Supernatural Aid. We are thrust into action: pool activities, sports, and whatever we can do to soak up all that Vitamin D.
We go from the Known World into an Unknown World. Summer is where our adventures lie away from work and school with vacations and hiking. Summer Solstice on June 21st this year is the day our new Call to Adventure begins.
That is your story. The story of the individual. The individual is the ultimate minority. No one else has a story like yours.
So we honor this cycle in our oral traditions and written histories. We also write about the Hero's Journey in our poetry and novels. Creative writing has become the vehicle for which we celebrate our growth as a person from childhood to adulthood.
Join Undawnted this season: Summer Time in our Special Engagements as well as Seasonal Reads program to explore the initiation into the Hero's Journey.
Have a great and wonderful journey.