April Fool's Day did not go by without trying to screw me.
My family believes that I should roll over and do whatever they say. Yeah, right. Get in line!
They made it that I don't get X unless I sign off on Y. The joke is on them. I don't play games. My family should realize that they neglected, abused, and tortured me and go with that gut feeling. I have all the time in the world.
I don't need X that badly. I can wait. I wonder who is going to cry uncle first?
What is being done by my family is not ethical or moral to say the least. Not even lawful, but why should laws and rights stand in their way? They haven't before.
Some people never learn: crime doesn't pay. Where's a superhero when you need one? To steal fifty pieces of silver no less? What a shame.
Quite embarrassing I am still related to them. They obviously do not understand: two can play that game. Now to brush up on my superhero rules!
I am going to need to leap tall buildings for this one.