Showing posts with label celt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celt. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Celtic Heritage Month

March is the month of St. Patrick's Day, so Undawnted has created her own heritage month for those with a Celtic lineage.

It seems like the calendar is replete with holidays for everything and everyone... except for the betterment of the Celtic people. St. Patrick's story is a fable made up by the Holy Roman Empire to convert pagans. Today this holiday is for drink and merriment. 

Not really the positive vibe the Celtic people could use. 

March on Undawnted will highlight this heritage with plenty of merriment minus the drink. 

So get out your Irish and Scottish wears and accents. 

Celtic Heritage Month is now here.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Name those Paintings, Mystic's Dream

Enjoy today's celebration of Celtic heritage with Loreena McKennit's Mystic's Dream played to a variety of paintings.

Can you name them all?

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