Showing posts with label barter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barter. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December 26-31, 2021, The Week of Neverending Never Ending

Wow! It is only Wednesday. 

When will 2021 end? Not that I am all too enthused about 2022, but this lull between holidays and years has gotten stale. Two more full days until the inevitable: a new year. 

I feel my creativity has been zapped right out of me. Is there hope? I hope so, but for now, I am just floating on the sands of time awaiting the next cycle to begin. Nothing says boredom, silence, and silliness like Waiting for Godot. Good dough? 


Is anyone out there? 

Maybe I am waiting on the wrong thing. Am I really waiting on myself? We will wait and see! 

Are you having fun yet? 

Perhaps, the lull is to recharge my inner batteries. With the stress of nothingness, I am depleted. My spirit is in receivership. The invoice is due, and I have no energy to pay the bill with. Should I barter? Or, is it a non-starter? 

A robber!

Who steals my creativity? 

I will keep waiting here. I stand between phases of time and space, with the electromagnetic pull of gravity in its wake. 

I travel this continuum while I never move. The ending is never far, but never near. The neverending never ending is about to appear. 

Are you ready? 


Have a great and wonderful time.  


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