Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Event Booked: Undawnted is Signed Up for Sonoran Dawn Studio's Autumn Wonders Book Event

Want to meet the person behind the story? 

Here's your chance to meet and greet with the novelist, and other writers/authors. 

December 4th, 2021 at 6pm, Arizona Time, DL Mullan will be available as a participant in Sonoran Dawn Studios' Autumn Wonders Book Event

Be sure to friend Sonoran Dawn for updates and to host your own time slot: https://www.facebook.com/sonoran.dawn.7

During this event, Ms. Mullan will introduce you to her creativity, personality, and writing. 

So join her and other creative minds for this afternoon and evening presentation. 

We hope to see you there! 

Have a great and wonderful day. 

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