Spit in one hand and wish in the other was a common phrase when I was growing up.
We did not have money growing on trees. I lived on the clearance side of life and still am. Money was to be budgeted and savored, if you wanted something special. KMart layaway during the holidays was a ritual event.
Those memories were brought to the forefront when I realized that I finally had my pudding mix, but I had no milk in the refrigerator with which to make it into pudding!
That is okay. Thanksgiving isn't for another week. I think I can manage getting some organic whole milk between now and then.
It's just comical how life hands you pudding mix and forgets the main ingredient!
Writing a story is much the same thing. You think you have it all figured out and then your character says to you: hey, what about this? Shit! You drop your pencil and walk away.
You have to devise plan B. Or, C... maybe even G.
Isn't writing like life?
Have a great and wonderful day!