Sometimes when I need to feel something, I turn to my DVD collection.
Want to be in love? Watch Kate and Leopold. Want to feel scared? Watch The First Power. If you want to be motivated as an action hero, then Witchblade should be on tap.
I used to love watching that show. Of course I refuse to watch the second season. The show went from a web of teasers and subplots to episodic nonsense. I wish someone would do as good as version here soon. I need my feminine action hero fix. Rizzoli and Isles just don't cut it for me.
Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 rocked the slick chick with a chip vibe.
Anyway, when you need a mood for yourself or a character you are writing, being in someone else's universe can be positive. Even music can be a mood enhancer, I know I have some favorites in the CD player.
So a little inspiration can go a long way. Just remember not to get so caught up in the external that the internal creative drive suffers. It's easy to be sucked in by Hollywood.
Now back to Witchblade.