Showing posts with label weeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weeds. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Up All Night, Slumber Party Optional

Can't believe I got my hours turned around. 

It's up all night and I'm alone doing so. Maybe if I can stay up long enough and take cat naps throughout the day, I can get back to normalcy. 

I guess my body is ready for summertime hours. 

The trouble is that summer doesn't start for another 90 or so days! As soon as my butt sizzles at 10am, then I must turn it around where 10pm become 10am. It's a little wacky but then I don't have to worry about too much. 

I keep an eye on my neighborhood and all is peaceful.

So I guess I better get up early and begin my rounds. The outside of my house looks like a horror film yard with all the weeds. The shovel it is!

Right after I take this short nap... zzzz!

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