Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Birthdays, Attitudes, Chores and Wishes Galore!

I love when a migraine lasts for days.

Sometimes when things seem to go awry, other things fall into place. Interesting concept but it happened today. It's my birthday so good news should happen.

A little over four decades and I have survived more than my share. Actually, I'm giving away my share if anyone wants the bad stuff. I'm only into the good stuff now.

So I went to the store, got my bday dinner, and came home. I found a cab driver who doesn't use toxic chemicals and air fresheners so I am going to employ her this week. It is tough to find a cab that isn't so heavily scented.

As for me, I did my customary gambling. Once near my birthday and once by New Year's. I spent five dollars and won two back. Funny, funny, funny.  I never get that kind of return playing the lottery. I may stick with cheap scratcher's tickets from now on.

So on this bday post of mine, I am glad to be getting some things accomplished this week so I can get down and dirty with my actual chores next week.  Lots to do.  People who need their attitudes checked and paperwork to be sent off are all on my to do list. 

I love people who believe that because I am disabled means that I am mentally handicapped and therefore deserve to be bullied or my favorite: talked down to. I am ill. Sick does not mean stupid. 

Some people. 

I guess their karma is going to find them some day. Well, I can only hope. I want to get beyond karma and investigate the reality of our reality. 

Isn't that funny or what?

Have a great and wonderful day, I know I am!

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